Beagle in the City #303

Francis: Happy Dad’s day! To tha thin man!
Simon: you’re a good dad.
Francis: You’re an OLD man!
Simon: Everyday you go to Job. It sounds rough.
Francis: But this week you went to the Doctor. I’m cheerius…Is it aliens? Are you gonna get the draft? Ack! You caught the ugly? Do you have to go to a carpenter? Lay it on us…don’t hold back…I can take it…who’s gonna feed me snax?
Ethan: curious, you’re curious…also…you really don’t know what a doctor is do you?
Simon: Is it your trachea? Is it collapsing? Like Garf’s ?? Dad can you breathe?
Ethan: Hold it! Everybody just hold it…As it turns out…I have to prove I am human and I will have to continue to go back to the doc to select traffic lights, bicycles and other oddities. I will also have to continue to write poetry very poorly. But they are gonna let that slide…for now.
Francis: I knews it. . .
Ethan: Now, who wants to help me eat these pizza rolls?
Francis: Is this a twix question?

Beagle in the City #302

Ethan: lets go run. You run while I ride my bike…
Francis: OUTSIDES?? Isn’t there danimals out there?
Ethan: here we go…
Simon: I think I saw a ground hog once, but I can’t find him now, they are such good hiders!
Francis: I’ll camp inside, I’ve got my shows…
Ethan: LISTEN, I’m sorry I ran over you…
But you can’t just run in front of me like that…
Simon: Well I had to sniff a rock dad, it was a really cool rock too and I thought I have the right of way, can’t I cross anytime…
Ethan: What is this nonsense, where did you get this?
Simon: Francis…
Ethan: Let’s not listen to Francis…the cat that thinks camping is sleeping ten feet from the porch light…
Besides that…you didn’t even see the snake in the road
Francis: Vipers!

Beagle in the City #301

Ethan: I don’t care what you thought you saw, you have to come inside now and take a bath. Or I can just use the water hose…
Simon: It was really there though, it was a ground hog, dad. I can smell it. I have to go find it.
Ethan: It’s not gonna happen, man.
Francis: I was there, kind of, through the windows, it boxed at his nose…
Francis: Face it…he’s not into the poems…He’s into the wrestling…
Ethan: Oh god….
Simon: You gotta let me be a hound dog, dad. I gotta use my nose.
Francis: Let him joins the circus.
Ethan: Let me tell you both a story about the digging-est dog…

Beagle in the City #300

Ethan: Well, we made it buddy.

Simon: We did?

Francis: Frashasha! (Plays drums)

Ethan: This is our 300th!

Simon: Oh boy! What’s a 300?

Ethan: We’ve been through a lot together…

Simon: Here’s a sniff back…I was saving that one…

Ethan: it was funny.

Francis: I’m buying you both a jokes book…

Beagle in the City #297

Simon: We have here, the sad poet, in his natural habitat.
Francis: Lost! The wordy words! The alphabits!
Ethan: Guys, I’m literally, right here…
Simon: uh hey dad, so it’s almost natural poetry month.
Ethan: National.
Simon: BananaWrimo!
Ethan: Oh god…that’s novel month and it’s in November.
Francis: You better find your wordy words.
Simon: A poem a day! All Month!
Francis: Or you can paws a poem on stagez! Or memories one.
Ethan: Oh god….I need a drink.

Dear you


Photo origin

I know you feel like nothing

I know you feel like you’re overwhelmed

On your own

Feel it

You’re doing better than you think you are

Alnitak, is the brightest class 0 star in the sky ….found in Orion’s Belt…

1,262 light years from earth

Your light

Even overwhelmed

Even isolated

Is like this blue super giant

I know you think there are thousands just like you….

But this is you

Keep going

You’re doing better than you think you are

You’re unique

You matter

And when I look across the city

When I look across the room

When I look…

I always see you

I don’t know how not to…
